Annotations to the "traumhaften Bildern"
Version des Themas)
dreamlike paintings are more like a feeling , an exploring, an
evocation into distant memories, nearly vanished emotions ...
Contemplating them, it happens, that suddenly some blurry areas
are changing into meaningful structures. One view later they are
dissipated, slowly taking a new shape again.
It`s a learning what these
shamanic layers of realities could mean. What this ability
of the healers and wise wizards could mean: the switching
from one world into another ...
For me these paintings are a demand to strengthen this possibility
of human mankind. An important skill for this beginning age
of de-traumatization.
Because the earth needs human beings with the ability to feel
But the ability to a deep feeling needs a healed soul.
Healing a soul needs most: fantasy.

der Erlöser (the redeemer); Acryl auf Zeichenpapier (on drawing
paper) 200g/qm;133 x 214,5 cm (52.4 x 84.4"); Dezember 2021
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