Annotations to the "Ebenenbilder" (layer-paintings)
Version des Themas)
The layer-pictures came into being nearly at the same time
in my meditations and during my zen-like painting.
Suddenly they appeared.
And little by little I understood, that they want to show me the
hundreds, the thousands or even the millions of the shamanic
layers of possibilities to act, or better: to heal.
It seems, that they too are a part of the Otherworld,
perhaps an entrance into this world of endless possibilities and
wonders: The world of Nagual.
The longer you contemplate them, the deeper you get into this
magical land of Fantastica ...

layer-paintings click: here
More about "the land of Fantastica"
More about the Nagual
Annotations to the "traumhaften
Bildern" (dreamlike-paintings)
to the "Otherworld"
A t e l i e r b 2 2

A t e l i e r b 2 2
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k s ü b e r s i c h t
i m a g e s - o v e r v i e w
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