Notes on the Otherworld
Version des Themas)
In the Otherworld the dynamic both/and applies. In the same
figure or form other beings and structures can exist, appear,
change, become invisible or reappear at the same time.
Clarity, the insistence on either/or, can literally make the
Otherworld disappear.
The diversity and liveliness, the access to the infinite
possibilities and wonders of the other world, is the direct answer
to the level of your "inner power". That power that arises
from being connected to everything, related to flow, result of
inaction (wu-wei):
Not doing
the bird of emptiness
into nowhere
(b22 based on Dschuang Tse, chap. 7.3)
Many of my pictures can open up a feeling of this
Otherworld. I suspect that this is so since they came into being
in a process of mostly complete emptiness.

Otherworld-paintings click: here
Annotations to the "traumhaften
Bildern" (dreamlike-paintings)
A t e l i e r b 2 2

A t e l i e r b 2 2
W e r
k s ü b e r s i c h t
i m a g e s - o v e r v i e
L e b e n s l a u f u n
W e r k z y k l e n
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c h e r_- books
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